Sunday, March 14, 2010

JESUS IS RISEN!! -- A "Holy Week" for You


I love that phrase! It marks the climax of Scripture and all of human history! It marks the reason we have hope amidst despair; joy amidst sorrow; life amidst death. It reminds us that God and His love are bigger than our difficulties and failures!

It is truly the most wonderful time of the year (popular Christmas song sentiments, notwithstanding)!

But before we get to Easter, we continue through Lent and Holy Week. Many of you know that Lent is one of my favorite times of the year. It focuses us [me!] on the passion and love that Jesus, our lord and savior, has for us and for the whole world. It reminds us of our sins which drive us to Him, who forgives our sins by "The Power of the Cross" (our Sunday theme during Lent this year).

Lent ends on Easter Sunday, but the week prior to Easter, "Holy Week," is a very special time of the church year, too. It begins with the Sunday before Easter, called "Sunday of the Passion" or "Palm Sunday." It marks Jesus' entry into Jerusalem for the last time, when he was heralded and welcomed with a reception by people with "palm branches" and the cloths. the week takes a tragic turn when later, after Jesus had His last supper with His disciples while celebration the Passover meal, He is later betrayed to death by one of His disciples and is innocently killed by crucifixion, thus dying for the sins of the world.

But death could not hold Jesus, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life!" He rose on Easter morning, as He said He would, thus destroying sin, death, and the power of the devil and granting to all believers everlasting life!

It is no wonder, then, why Easter is the highest and most holy day on the entire church calendar! It is also the most joyous!

Yet, the highs will not be so high unless the lowest of the lows is also understood and experienced. That is why worship during Lent in general and Holy Week in particular, is so very important. We can understand the depths that Jesus went to for us, which make the heights to which He rose and ascended all the more brilliant and wonderful!

Please make sure to join us for all Holy Week services. you will be blessed! The schedule is below.
  • Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday: Sunday, March 28, 8:30/11:00 AM
  • Holy (Maundy) Thursday: Thursday, April 1, at 7:00 PM
  • Good Friday: Friday, April 2, at 12noon and 7:00 PM
  • Easter Sunday: Sunday, April 4, 6:30 AM (Sunrise); 8:30/11:00 AM 
In Christ's great passion for you and with you,
Pastor Scott

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